What if your DNA became Infectious?
Year: 2020
Collab w/ Melanie Gloeckler, Arean Zhou, Peinui Yu, Kamila Iżykowicz
Skills/contributions: scientific consultancy, scientific futures, scenario planning, speculative design, document making
Awards: CERN x Logitech Grand Challenge 2020 special prize
#pandemics #design fiction #speculative design

Completed shortly before the Coronavirus pandemic, this project presents a speculative future where trends in gene modification result in a virus that causes an individual to merge their DNA expression with any sexual partner. 
I acted largely as a scientific adviser and trend analyst; providing insight into scientific and social trends that would inform such a future.
This was awarded a specially created prize by CERN and Logitech due to it's philosophical depth and worldbuilding.
Due to the explicit nature of this project, it cannot be shared in it's entirety here. Please reach out for more information (see contact page)
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