How might we improve neurorehabilitation of stroke patients with VR?

Year: 2017
Group project : part of ongoing research within Inamura Lab at the National Institute of Informatics [Japan] 国立情報学研究所.
Skills/contributions: Experimental design, neuroscience, UI/UX, code, academic writing
Please Note: 3D modelling of the hand avatar and virtual space was NOT done by myself, so I do not take full credit.
Institution: 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics , Tokyo, Japan
Publication: A Platform for Hand Embodiment and Alien Motion in Virtual Reality in Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of The Robotics Society of Japan
#neuroscience #future of medicine #vr

This project was focused on developing a VR-based platform for the neurorehabilitaion of patients with impaired motor ability (such as stroke patients) and studying the sense of Agency and Ownership over a virtual hand controlled by a user in VR using finger tracking hardware. The platform can be compared to an evolution upon mirror box therapy for more complex use-cases.
My contribution was focused on designing systems that could be used to study the changes in behavior of a subject when given visual stimuli that may contrast with their physical movements in the real world.
The platform was recently presented at the 36th annual conference of The Robotics Society of Japan.

Parts of this project cannot be shared publicly at this time, so please reach out for further information (see contact page).
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