Sandeep “Sandy” Hoonjan, is a designer, engineer and artist applying a previous practice in the biological/computer sciences, to create sustainable futures and the strategies to get there.
Before studying design at the Royal College of Art, he worked as an engineer in the medical robotics industry, and as a VR neurorehabilitation researcher at the NII Tokyo.
Since starting his design practice, his work has spanned from the creation of reactive computer artefacts to critique of historic childhood resilience programs. His speculative design, research, and artworks have been published internationally, and were recently shown at the Stedeljik Museum in Amsterdam (2021). He currently works as a technologist and software engineer, doing research and development for global clients.
His main interests are in creative use of hardware, sustainable electronics, and novel forms of artistic practice.
p u b l i c e x h i b i t i o n s :
New Contracts @ London Design Festival, 2021
#CreateCOP26, sponsored by ArtPartner, 2021
IC London WIP, 2020
International Flavors & Fragrances Future of Scent Award - Winner 2021
Distributed Design Future Thinking Award - Finalist, 2021
Dezeen's top 10 student projects of 2020
Logitech x CERN x RCA - GC2020 Special Prize Winner, 2020
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Industrial Design Studentship, 2020
BAE Systems Prize for the best MSc Computer Science project in 2016/17
p r e s s :
「コロナとクリエイティブ」023 (Corona and Creative 023, 2020
Dezeen, "RCA students design phones that turn speech into physical sensations", 2020
The Future Laboratory, Beauty and Wellness report, 2020
"A design history of the covid-19 virus", 2020
p u b l i c a t i o n s :
No More (Cruel) Optimism, Folium 2023 (as editor)
A Platform for Hand Embodiment and Alien Motion in Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of The Robotics Society of Japan, 2019
The children haven't suffered: building resilience for the next generation, RCA dissertation of Distinction, 2020
s p e a k i n g :
Winchester School of Art Guest Lecture & Workshop on Speculative Design, 2022
PRIMER21 Conference Speaker: Postcards from the Future, 2021
f i l m o g r a p h y :"Safbul" 2021
"No Music At All" 2021
p r e v i o u s l y:
Moving Brands (Labs), London, 2023
FORMLESS LTD., London, 2021
CMR Surgical, Cambridge, 2019
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, 2018
Women and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, 2012